Here she is - 5 days old and happy that has made it. Who wouldn't be. As you can see -she was cute from the beginning.
And beginning was long before that day here :) LeeBee was a cute little brainiac from the day one. Amazed and confused even the best and the toughest ones in fam.
Lee has always liked comfort in her life – good food (best served fresh), warm and cozy environment, enough attention, and just a bit of admiration.
Naturally, all this has to come for free and effortlessly. Some may think that she is despirately lazy. No, or actually - not only, that’s just her style.
Lee has been known as a gal who is marching by her own tune. She did not talk much at the dawn of her days here, especially when being asked or tested by adults; she just had this … look.
Lee has been known as a gal who is marching by her own tune. She did not talk much at the dawn of her days here, especially when being asked or tested by adults; she just had this … look.
Are you finding yourself wondering what is happening in this perfectly shaped head?
The good news is that every once in awhile she gives you some hope that it just might be possible to hear her tune, to walk her march. No promises, but no direct denial either. It just might be possible… In condition of course that you have this more than a lifetime in reserve.
So, what it’s gonna be - are you taking your chances on her? Or would you just call her a drummer?
The concept of not being comfortable, meaning not being denuded, used to be very alien to this creature.
The only two reasons we loose our natural being are:
It is not for her, as she knows who she is. It is her generous bow for these unfortunate blind ones, who need help opening their eyes to the sparks of the true flash of creative body art, to the proper use of these tools that have been given to us to play with.
Here is an evidence of this way of thinking -- the others do not see this drink as hers (she has empted her bottle next to the glass) but who would pay attention to a minor?
Yee, but last week she "borrowed" my nail polish. With the promise to return it right after. I never saw this lacquer again. Should I mention, that it was a rare color and non-replaceable here? At least she can follow the good taste ...
Besides, would I really want to argue with the owner of multicolored belt over such a small thing?
Lee and chocolate - well, sure you wanna go there?? This girl has definately some strengths, but chocolate - she kneels for that.
Lee and chocolate - well, sure you wanna go there?? This girl has definately some strengths, but chocolate - she kneels for that.
As you can see, the size really does matter here -- bigger is definitely better and no chocolate in life is almost like having no life at all.
What about other sweet things in her life? Sure, there are some, but why not observe them having some choco first? One cannot hurt the other one.
Lets work some magic
Lets work some magic
If you ever felt that life is boring or not proposing enough surprises, find your own Lee Bee. Her curiosity and imagination gave us not just laugh but all these different angles to see the life around. She was a little brainiac, magician, chemic, detective, scientist, writer and an observer -- all in one but never resting on her search, never bored, never too busy to stop for a closer look and deeper questions.
Would she ever stop asking and exploring? For the sake of us, mortals, I sure hope not.
Behind her curtains or some of the truth
Why does she need so big glasses for these magically green eyes? Didn’t you know -- to see, where to play her next trick, where to see the flaw in ordinary thinking and where to be humbly wild and surprised that all others are madly normal and grey. Here is some ways to start your morning and give some needed adrenaline to the daylight.
As John Donne once wrote:
Cruel and sudden, hast thou since
Cruel and sudden, hast thou since
Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?
Wherein could this fishie guilty be,
Except in that drop which it suck'd from thee?
(the Flea)
On the other hand, John was hard to place in stable frames too.
Tell me who are your friends and I shall reveal who you are
We all cover some secrets but this is none to any of us -- her true love, admiration, hate and challenge is here -- the redhead girl, who has been stepping on her toes from the beginning of times but has been the one she can really relay on. Sometimes it drives her crazy that they are like Siamese twins. Separation is too hard, even unthinkable. Most of the times she is just the other half of these twins, not even considering that there are other options.Would it change? Should it change?
Could asking questions ever be wrong? Yes, it could. Choose your times and places.
Axioms are not to be questioned. And that’s why Siamese are born to be together.
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